In the 21st Century how can owning KNICKERS be a LUXURY?
I realise that I am a lucky woman because I feel safe, normal and in control of my life. I believe every woman should feel the way I do, but inequality, violence and bad luck make life tough for so many women.

Hello and welcome I am Anita the person behind www.KNICKERLADY.com. Thank you for stopping in your busy day to read this.
I collect KNICKERS and TOILETRIES for women who are often in a desperate situation. These are women who have little money or have nowhere to live and need our help.
Through generous donations I am able to give these women a gift bag of goodies which I know is not only practical and hygienic, it really gives them a lift too.
A new packet of KNICKERS can be bought for just £3 – what price to bring a smile to someone’s face!
PLEASE DECIDE TO JOIN ME by collecting KNICKERS or unused TOILETRIES or contributing money which will be used to buy more gifts for these women. This is a wonderful cause that costs us little and yet means so much to others.

Now that the task of building the EMPOWERING WOMEN’S SANITARY TOWEL FACTORY has been handed to Mumba Children’s Project I will be helping whoever asks for my help, mainly in UK.
Life can be tough for all of us BUT if you cannot keep yourself clean, have no clean underwear or sanitary towels, life is downright miserable. Little girls imagine growing into beautiful women and we can help that happen.
I want to bring a smile to the faces of people who don’t always get a good deal.
I also hope to supply women’s hostels and refuges with new beauty gift sets to be given on birthdays or celebratory occasions.
Here is how you can help me, can you collect:
- New KNICKERS Unopened
- toiletries
- Sanitary towels
- Unwanted gift sets
- MONETARY DONATIONS can be paid directly into The Knicker Lady account at the bank. Every penny is accounted for and used exclusively to support vulnerable women.
www.KNICKERLADY.com has been known for organising fun ”BIG KNICKER EVENTS” so keep looking for the next BIG KNICKER thing!